Thursday, June 25, 2015

Retirement and Why Thailand

Retirement ---Rerun--- Why Thailand
We were in town the other day and we saw a friend or two  that was here in the LOS on a holiday and thinking about retirement, and they ask us the same question many have ask us in the past as to why we chose Thailand as our retirement home and country. Well , it will be 12 years in October that we moved here from America," lock stock and barrel "as the ole saying goes and I thought it would be good to repeat a post I posted about a year or so ago , it might help to answer that question, Hope you enjoy the older post and pictures.
                                                             Why Thailand
When we travel on vacation or we are out and about, one of the most ask questions is "Why Thailand."In order to really answer that question , First, you have to know that I am married to a Thai lady , and one of my main concerns in my marriage was what could I do to make her happy .We came to Thailand in 2003 on a vacation and a chance for me to meet her family and kids. I saw at once ,how happy she was to be in her home country with friends and family , and yet have the security in knowing that she had a husband who could and would do anything she needed , with-in reason to make her happy. Not only could I see how happy she was , but I at once fell in love with Thailand , there was lots of things that attracted me to the LOS , BUT the most important one was how happy Ciejay seemed to be .
I knew it was about time for us to start thinking seriously about where we wanted to live out out retirement years , I had always thought about somewhere close to my Brother and Sister, out Tenn. way , and we went for a visit to check things out before coming to Thailand the next year on Vacation , and somehow it just didn't feel right to both of us. Before we came over to the LOS we had mentioned to each other if the opportunity and time arrived that we would look around and maybe think about Thailand (of course it was my first visit ,so much of the decision would be on my shoulders. We looked around and then on the last day when we came to Kanchanaburi and our small village of Whang Pho , We looked at each other and smiled, and knew this was the place. We had little daylight left for this visit to her Older Brother and the next day it was off to Bangkok to catch the plane and head home , Would you believe we found a little house and piece of land and bought it in the dark of night , saying that we would be back next year when I retired and make it our home , Everyone laughed and thought to themselves that they would never see us again, but we fooled them all and you can read about the move and remodel and moving , in a older post , just go back and start from my first ones .

Now that was a long story to tell you the main reason for choosing Thailand. Some of the others are as follows and in no order of importance , all of them to us are important reasons for choosing the LOS.
1.--My small SS check is enough for us here in Thailand.
2.--We were able for Ciejay to buy a house and small piece of land with what little money we had in savings.
3.--The weather is the kind of weather I always thought I would like about a place, when I retired.
4.--The food is out of this world tasty, healthy (spicy mind you ) but plenty and fresh, and growing everywhere , even in your own backyard.
5.--The Thai people,( our neighbors and village folks) even tho it took a while to get use to their way of life and culture and their way of thinking , and for them to get use to me -ha ha ha
6.-- The almost crime free village and area we live in .
7.--Lots of things to see and do , and a lot of it not far from where we live .
8.--Our Thai family
9.--Our dogs(our kids ) that can run free and wild .(we have since lost Bok ), but Sabu is alive and well, and a everyday source of fun and companionship
10.--Our home, our yard with all the plants and flowers and the wonderful view of the mountains from our front porch , all these things make up our little  piece of paradise
11.--Our village and the town folks .
12.--And our neighbors
13.--Our Dr's., and health care
14.-- Our church and church family
15.-- The difference in our health since moving here to Thailand
16.-- And the big difference in me and my thinking about life and living.
17.-- The happiness I see in my wife ,Ciejay,(thai nickname Toon)
That's not all the reasons , I could go on and on , and you might say "well couldn't you find that in your own country ", maybe so , But we didn't. and we have found it here in what we call our little piece of paradise, that , we believe the Lord had saved just for us and all the blessings that go along , with being Retired in Thailand and Loving It .


ibu madina said...

Pengakuan tulus dari saya IBU MADINA TKI kerja ARAB SAUDI
saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga,, serta penghargaan dan rasa kagum yang setinggi-tingginya kepada KI SAKTI,,saya sudah kerja sebagai TKI selama 5 tahun ARAB SAUDI,,dengan gaji lebih kurang 3jt 500/bln,,tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,,apalagi setiap bulan harus mengirim orangtua di jawa barat,,sudah lama saya mengetahui room om ini,,juga sudah lama mendengar nama besar KI SAKTI,,tapi saya termasuk orang yang tidak terlalu percaya dengan hal ghoib,,jadi saya pikir ini pasti kerjaan orang iseng yang mau menipu..tapi saya pikir tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba minta angka ghoib KI SAKTI.
dan kemarin saya di beri 3D TAILAND yaitu 421 ,,saya benar2 tidak percaya dan hampir pinsang,,angka yang di beri KI SAKTI ternyata tembus 100%,,awalnya saya coba2 menelpon,,saya bilang saya terlantar disingapura,,tidak ada ongkos pulang,,terus beliau bantu kasih angka 421..mulanya saya tidak percaya,,mana mungkin angka ini keluar,,tapi dengan penuh pengharapan saya pasangi kali 175 lembar,,sisa gaji bulan JENUARI ternyata meledak….!!!
dapat 500jt..sekali lagi terima kasih banyak AKI,,saya sudah kapok kerja jadi TKI,,rencana bulan INI mau pulang aja ke jawa barat,,buat AKI saya tidak akan lupa bantuan dan budi baik KI SAKTI
yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hubungi
KI SAKTI di nomor: {_082_338_188_733_}
demikian kisah nyata dari saya (( SUMPAH DEMI ALLAH.!!..INI BUKAN REKAYASAHH ))

angka;GHOIB: singapura
angka;GHOIB: hongkong
angka;GHOIB; malaysia
angka;GHOIB; toto magnum
angka”GHOIB; laos…
angka”GHOIB; macau
angka”GHOIB; sidney
angka”GHOIB: vietnam
angka”GHOIB: dubai
angka"GHOIB thailand

Roz said...

I adore Thailand, it's beautiful people, amazing food, and culture. I wonder if it is possible to live there for a few months of the year in retirement. My husband says 'nothing in Asia' but has never been to Thailand as I have (twice). I want to have my feet in South Carolina and one other country....considering Thailand (my husband's last choice) or Italy near my native family (I am all Italian). Can you please give me your thoughts?

Roz said...

If you choose to reply, please send it through my 'contact' link on my blog: (La Bella Vita Cucina).

thank you so much,