I received this e-mail and pictures from my Thai friend ,Aom who is owner and operator of the local computer and video game store in our village. I had gone to add minutes of time to my cell phone and she had this strange fruit that she was chopping open and feeding her son and anyone that wanted to try, and she gave me a few pods to take home and try , she also sent the e-mail and pictures for me with information about the plant and fruit. What a interesting plant , and one of many uses for the Thai folks in the villages where it grows . Take a look at the pictures and video and see for yourself a very interesting plant that most (me for sure ) have never seen or heard of in our lives.Thailand (the country and the people) never lets a day go by that I don't see or hear about something new and interesting to me and I hope to those that read my little blog.Things like this and friends like Aom(who also owns and operates a beautiful resort(family style -kid friendly) on the Famous River Kwai here in Wang Pho, are just another one of the reasons why I'm Rretired in Thailand and Loving It. You can E-mail me if you're ever in this area and would love to stay in a real Thai (house) resort for you and family and there is enough rooms in the house to bring along your friends too.Thanks for the read .
E-Mail from Aom
Sawasdee ka ,malcolm และพี่ตุ่น
Nipa Palm make thai sweet food ลูกจากลอยแก้ว
Leaves nipa palm can be taken to wrap the sweet food.
ใบสามารถเอาไปห่อทำขนมได้เรียกว่า ขนมจาก
To be able to remove the leaves to make the roof.
VDO cilp Nipa Palm

Did you like this fruit and can you compare it to anything else you have had? I find the different fruits in Asia really interesting. I seem to try a new type of fruit on each trip to Thailand.
I've had the same, or very similar, at a market in Brunei. I don't recall it having much of a taste. What do you think Malcom?
Here I tried an unusual dessert made from ต้นตาล or Tody Palm hearts.
Palm Heart Puffs
Keith, I thought it was a lot of work for the fruit , alto it is a good sideproduct of the plant for roofing material and other uses. thanks for the read and your comment, liked you blog too.
Snap, A big yes to no taste at all and really a lot of work for the reward of fruit. I think it is a good novelity fruit if you have visitors for the western world , they like to try different stuff, and yes I really like the fruit and little round cake things made from the Palm heart coconut, a neighbor makes them to sell everyday in the market and at our local high school and I buy for a afternoon snack almost every other day I also love them with coffee in the morning .Thanks for comment.
I picked up a friend's dictionary today and it flicked open at guess what? Nipa palm. Had never heard of it until your post. จาก (jàhk)the same word for 'from', or 'away from'...has no relevance at all, but just wanted to share.
I reckon those Palm heart puffs would be nice hot with ice cream too :) That house looks wonderful by the way. Is it a typical house down your way? It kind of looks like North American log cabin meets Lanna.
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