The one thing that really surprised me when we got here in the LOS was , how many folks there were doing their own thing in business , or as we would call them where I come from in America, "Entreprenurs" . I read somewhere a while back that there were more ,so called entreprenurs , in Thailand than any other country in the world, they quoted 22% of all Thais are running or at least trying to run their own business. I know for a fact ,in just the short time (5 years) we have lived here ,I am amazed at the amount of folks right here in this small village of Whang Pho, that are going about selling ,whatever they can ,grow ,find ,make or whatever to make a living , unlike most other countries Thailand does not ,really have a welfare system, where a person can sit back and do nothing and, collect a check at the end of each month. When I lived in America that was always a sore spot and a hot subject ,of a lot of debate among the working class folks . My ole Dad had a good saying when I was growing up and I passed it along to my own boys as they grew up and they are passing it along to their kids as they get older too and it goes like this "THERE AIN'T NO FREE LUNCH". It goes along with what the Bible says too "he that want ,work want eat." I kinda like both of them. What do you think?
I said all that to introduce my pictures that I have been taking of the" ENTREPRENURS" here in our village and a few places we have visited, they are quite a diveristy of things and ways to sell and market ones, goods and all in the name "TAKING CARE OF ONES SELF AND FAMILY." They make me proud. I'll bet you probably have lots of snap shots that have caught you eye too .Most all my neighbors grow and sell something as a money crop , do you have neighbors and friends and family that are doing the same, here in Thailand ? Malcolm
I bet about 21% of those little small and one person businesses are located here in Bangkok! Only kidding, but on practically every street, soi, and open space you can find someone selling something at all hours of the day.
I even have my favorites that I have been buying from for years at the same spot. And all the oountless little stores that are all over the city give those that live here relief from high prices and better selection than if the big chain stores controlled distribution like they do over in the states.
Good pictures of the local food and vendors.
Malcolm I fancy you are right about the small businesses. How they scrape a living I never understand.
The fact you can still eat a filling meal for a £1 still fascinates me.
Here in Prachuap there is an active movement to stop the big chain stores building which has its pro's and con's from my perspective.
Malcolm, if you only knew how homesick you've just made me with this post.
The pictures are excellent and remind me so much of the village in Mukdahan.
Some great pix Malcolm of the local entrepenuers and yes, they are all over the place.
Amazing Thailand and TIT in one go!
As mentioned above you have some great photos on show here. 22% of people running their own show and no as such welfare benefits, one fact goes with the other. I'm sure that countries with no benefit payments have a higher percentage of small business people because if you don't make a living then you starve. A lot of these village vendors won't be making much and many will rely on top ups from their offspring in Bangkok but boy do they smile through the day.
Good day !.
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