It's not like I don't enjoy the HOLIDAYS ,and all the excitement and food and visitors and family dropping by , without calling and all the folks you have to leave home to go visit to keep peace in the family and to keep your wife happy and all the shopping and money spent for gifts for folks and family that I never see or hear from except at the holidays , and relatives that I never knew existed , who just happened to be in the area and dropped by for a meal and a place to spend the night and shower and be on their way and I never understood a word they said , but " they my relatives" and that is all that matters . Oh and I almost forgot the elected officals that came by for the holidays with their little moon cake , to be sure that my Thai wife votes for them next year . I LOVE IT ALL buttttt, I'm so glad that it's over(THE HOLIDAYS), for another year, and I always look foward to next year , but, for now, I can get back to my normal life here in the LOS. I really missed my hammock time and all the honey do list and that make up a large part of my day.
In reality I had a great holiday and enjoyed every minute of it , and it was fun to see all the folks we only see once a year and hear stories of their lives where they live and what they do during the year. I was writing the post above , from the way I use to think and feel , I was BAA HUMBUG sometimes , but that was before RETIRED IN THAILAND and LOVING IT
Malcolm and Ciejay
Malcolm I know what you are talking about. It is good to just get back to normal again and enjoy what I call the simple life.
I do love the holidays as I get to spend more time with my lovely neice and also my better half Miss Noot but all the visiting of friends and family and shopping gets a little boring after a while.
So Happy New Year to you and CeiJay and hope 2010 is a blast for you guys. Look forward to many more posts, pictures and stories from your neck of the woods.
in all things, Rejoice ! 55
I'm sure enjoy your blog thru out the year. It's reconnected me with Thailand that I remember during my childhood. Your love for Ciejay and your happiness living in Thailand make me jealous. Keep on the good work. Wishing Ciejay, you and your family good health and happiness.
Hi Malcolm and CieJay. Firstly can we wish you both a Happy New Year and hope it is even better than the last one.
I can see your point exactly, its all go! Nice when its over to catch your breath again.
Take it easy....
Hi malcolm and Ciejay,
glad to hear you had a wonderful family filled holiday. For me the holiday time is always filled with work. Pulling extra shifts. The good part is we always try to catch up after the crazy days are past.
Hope that 2010 is filled with joy and new experiences for you. Love your blog keep up the good work.
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